
Showing posts from August 6, 2017

Create a Simple Scenario of WSNs

In the previous post, we have discussed about the various input parameters and their use to define a WSNs. Here, we will begin to design a simulation environment using the input parameters. First, we will see all four types of deployment scenarios in the consecutive posts. Random Distribution with Static Sensor and Static Anchor Deployment Scenario. clc clear all close all %% Deployment of the nodes and anchor nodes N=100;   % Total Number of  Sensors A=10;    % Total Number of Anchors X=100;   % Area length Y=100;   % Area width R=20;     % Transmission radius (m) [s_x,s_y, a_x a_y]=create_distribution(N,A,X,Y); plot(s_x,s_y,'bo');        % plot the sensor distribution hold on plot(a_x,a_y,'mo'); % plot the anchor distribution hold on grid on %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Create Distribution Function (Create a new file and paste the below code and saved the f...

Simulation Input Parameters for WSNs

For any problem, the two steps always be common called input and output. The input decides the parameters that you want to apply and the resulting output that you are expecting. In between these two parameters, the logic resides that solve the problem and give the desire result. To simulate a WSNs, we have to first understand the few Input parameters as given below: The Number of Sensors :-  This parameters ask you how many sensors you wants to deploy for sensing purpose. Communication Range:- The another parameters the define the maximum or minimum communication range of a sensor node. Size of Deployment Area:- What will be the size of the sensing area. Types of sensors:- There are basically two types of the sensors normally we deploy in a WSNs. Once called unknown sensor node (without GPS) and another called anchor nodes (with GPS). Deployment Ratio:- This parameter decides the ratio of sensor node and anchor node. Usually, the anchor nodes are lesser than the sensor ...

Research in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

 To envision a research in the domain of  Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), we have to understand the basic terminology of  WSNs. WSNs is a combination of  two major technologies called wireless communication and sensors. Sensors is an actuating device, which is used to sense the environmental parameters such as fire, temperature, pollutants, vibrations, humidity, and etc. Besides, the wireless is a communication technology that permits the communication between the sensors. And the sensing and communication makes a feasible network called WSNs. In any WSNs, we know that a sensors is an inexpensive device which has low power, small processing unit, and short range of wireless communication capability.  These inexpensive sensors are deployed in most hazardous places to sense the random events, and deliver the information to a remote base station. The deployment of these sensors can be manual as well as random (dropped through airplane or remote controlled ...